Wednesday, February 3, 2010

At Home

Last semester the Department of Art & Design at SUU collaborated with the Outdoor Initiative to create art based on Parowan Gap. If you've never been to the Gap it's worth a visit.
As a class we visited the Gap and had a tour by a local. Our assignment was to create a conceptual piece about our experience or feelings there. I was born and raised in Southern Utah and I am very comfortable with the desert. I also have some Native American ancestors so I feel a deep connection with the land and the desert. Many students felt uneasy about the harshness of the land (and the lack of phone service) but I feel quite at home. This piece was in the Braithwaite student Parowan Gap show and will soon be featured in a gallery in the Iron Mission State Park Museum.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, I'm glad you are doing this blog. I am looking forward to the faculty art show. There is something about Parowan Gap that draws me to it. I visited it for the first time a couple of months ago. I just keep going back.
